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@kobrastreetart (@get_repost) ・・・ Mural Gandhi – “Todos Somos Iguais” na

Churchgate railway station

@kobrastreetart (@get_repost)
Mural Gandhi - “Todos Somos Iguais” na estação de trem Churchgate em Mumbai/ India.
O painel retrata o líder Pacifista viajando de terceira classe, inspirando a todos a olhar o proximo com respeito e igualdade. 
Com 400 metros quadrados em técnica anamórfica -3D , se insere no meu projeto “Olhares da Paz”. Mural Gandhi - "We Are All Equal" at the Churchgate train station in Mumbai / India.
The mural portrays the pacifist leader traveling in third class, inspiring everyone to look at their fellow man with respect and equality.
With 400 square meters, painted in anamorphic technique (3D painting), it is inserted in my project "Looks of Peace".

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